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Download Our Digital Skills Checklist

Measure the digital skills gap

Measure Digital Inclusion in your organisation using our handy checklist. Then make plans to close any gaps (Upskills can help with that!).

The BNZ has run research for the last two years about Digital Skills in Aotearoa New Zealand. It has identified three categories of digital users: those having ‘Below Essential Skills’, ‘Essential Skills’, and ‘Essential Skills Plus’.

‘Below Essential Skills’ is below the digital inclusion threshold. ‘Essential Skills Plus’ is being able to do all of these skills.


So how is it measured?

Foundation skills include being able to,

  • Turn on a device
  • Use the available controls on a device
  • Connect a device to a wifi network
  • Interact with the main screen on a device
  • Connect to the internet, by opening a browser like Explorer or Chrome
  • Update and change your device password or PIN code when prompted to do so

You are considered to be digitally included if you have all the foundation skills plus one from each of the following categories:

  • Handling information and content
  • Problem-solving
  • Transacting
  • Communicating
  • Online safety

Our Digital Skills Checklist details the skills under each category for self-assessment.