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Activity for International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day tile featuring images of a book, a dove and a feather

Are you wondering how to build engagement and connection with your team?

International Literacy Day has themes of multilingualism and literacy. It’s the perfect chance to acknowledge and celebrate some of the different languages spoken in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Try our International Literacy Day Activity in your workplace

We’ve created a 5-minute activity to download and run at staff meetings or even just in the lunchroom.

– Cut up the greetings cards

– Give one to each staff member

– Run a quick mix and mingle activity where individuals greet each other in the language on their card and have a chat about this language.

We’ve used all the languages spoken by Upskills’ learners in our workplace literacy and numeracy programmes.  A few cards have been left blank for you to add languages spoken in your workplace.

We’d love to see your photos. Please post them on our Facebook page!