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Strengthening the construction & infrastructure workforce

Waihanga Ara Rau is an industry-led body that helps construction and infrastructure industries by ensuring they get hold of people with the skills they need. It works with the industry, developing Workforce Development Strategies and providing advice to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) on where to focus funding for training.

We are excited to share that Our Future Ready Programme Manager, Tafā Iakopo, will join the first Pacific Strategic Reference Group (SRG) across the construction and infrastructure sectors. The groups help Waihanga Ara Rau understand skill gaps, identify solutions and ensure it takes action to make a positive difference in these sectors.

Tafā will use her voice to influence the future of the construction and infrastructure industry on behalf of the workplace education sector and its Pacific learners. She can speak at a strategic level and leverage her wide network to share information and receive feedback.  Importantly, Tafā can share insights on the success of the Future Ready programme with Waihanga Ara Rau.

More about Waihanga Ara Rau

  • It works with industry and employers to understand the skills needed and shares this information with education and training providers. So they can create learning programmes to give people relevant skills that address future workforce needs.

  • Leads the development of industry qualifications, sets industry standards and assesses training provisions against these industry standards. Where appropriate, it sets and helps with capstone assessments at the end of a qualification. Helps to consistently apply industry standards across the country and all modes of learning, whether on the job, on campus or online.

  • Endorses vocational education programmes before NZQA approves them.

  • Engages with industry and employers, partnering with Regional Skills Leadership Groups, the Tertiary Education Commission, NZ Qualifications Authority, Centres of Vocational Excellence, and providers (Te Pūkenga, Wānanga, and Private Training Establishments). It also engages with the Ministry of Education, advocacy groups, learners, Te Taumata Aronui, government agencies, and schools.


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View Tafā’s profile on Our Team page

Visit the Waihanga Ara Rau website