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Name: Brian Paulus

Company: CS For Doors

Brian Paulus, CS For Doors Wellbeing learner

What you’re enjoying about the programme so far?

I think for me, it’s a lot about confidence and also sometimes those doubts about things. Knowing and asking where they come from and then you realise that you do know a lot of things and how to deal with stuff. 


What’s something really useful that you’ve learned?

The importance of exercising and the importance of being mindful of wellbeing.


How do you think learning about wellbeing helps in the workplace? 

To be more mindful of others and how you communicate with them. It encourages you to maybe talk with coworkers or something like that.  Just encourages us to be responsive in a positive way. 


What’s it like learning alongside your coworkers? 

It’s fun and also you get to learn about the people you work with.


What is one change you might make as a result of this programme? 

To be more mindful of others. 


Is there anything you would like to add?

All I can say is that I would encourage anybody to do this programme regardless of where you are and what status you have in life, because you learn so much from this programme. For me, it changed my perspective and ideas. Just from the physical part, the spiritual, emotional and all of the things that align together with wellbeing. 



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About our Future Ready: Wellbeing course