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In Aotearoa and around the world, the COVID Pandemic has highlighted equity issues around learning and technology access.
International Literacy Day on Tuesday, September 8th focuses on this in the day’s theme for 2020:
Literacy and numeracy teaching through COVID and beyond.
In line with this theme, it is a goal for Upskills to connect people in an online pop-up learning session via Zoom. We know that more than ever in 2020, digital skills and connectivity have become essential. So moving sessions online enables us all to stay connected and keep learning – important aspects of wellbeing. That is why the topic for our pop-up session is ‘Wellbeing’.
Join us to say ‘hi’, connect online and take away a few key tools to support your own well-being and that of your friends and whānau. Join us on International Literacy Day 2020.
Tuesday 8 September 7-8 pm. Send us a message at for Zoom details.
Lockdown leadership participants Technology Access Fund for Learners