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Loma Rodan, Upskills Programme Coordinator

It’s about helping people achieve their full potential

Creating pathways for success is a passion for our newest programme coordinator at Upskills, Loma Rodan. Loma joined the Upskills team in July, bringing a range of experience to the role, most recently at Vision West, where she supported tutors to deliver quality workplace literacy programmes through the NZCALNE qualification. Loma has a Master’s degree in Adult Literacy and over 12 years of experience in adult education. So we are thrilled to have her join our team.

Loma says she was motivated to join Upskills because she’s passionate about creating opportunities for people to achieve their full potential.

“I can see from the sessions I’ve been into that we can provide opportunities for success for participants and in turn their organisations. Everyone has their barriers and their life outside of work but it’s the opportunity to have those conversations and, if anything, make people believe that they can.”

A personal journey

For Loma, it’s a familiar story that she can relate to personally. She wants to see educational opportunities made available to everyone.  “Going to Japan as an exchange student in high school changed my life. I realised that a university education was for me. I saw that as something I wanted for myself and my family.”

Outside of work, life centres around family. “I want to be able to provide all the things for my kids that I didn’t have,” she says.

Loma came to New Zealand as an 11-year-old from Fiji. Therefore, helping Pasifika learners succeed is a key part of her drive and motivation in the workplace literacy sector.

Welcome to the team, Loma! When she’s not out on-site connecting with learners and clients, Loma is based at our Upskills office in Onehunga.

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