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Kuisa, Tafa and Gwen

Solo’s workplace literacy and numeracy project took out both the Champion Employer and Supreme Awards at this year’s Skills Highway Champion Awards.


Flying High

Solo partnered with Upskills to deliver its Flying High programme, a workplace literacy programme with a digital literacy focus (core groups) and an embedded Level 2 NZ Certificate in Manufacturing. A true collaboration, Upskills delivered the project in partnership with Competenz and Jupiter Training. For many participants, it was the first time they had achieved a qualification or been offered upskilling opportunities at work. In the case of the digital group, it was the first time they had picked up a digital device in their lives.


Trevor Marshall, Solo Flying High ParticipantThe learning journey

The programme has truly lived up to its name, with participants flying high through the learning pathways Solo has created.

  • 8 of the 20 learners on the original digital programme continued to complete their Level 2 qualifications.
  • 8 staff are stepping up to start a Level 3 Cert in Manufacturing.
  • For others, at this innovative Avondale plastics factory (where the values are people and planet first) there have been other opportunities to learn through Future Ready Money Confidence, an initiative building financial literacy for Auckland’s Pacific workforce.
  • Other staff have embraced the leadership journey, with 3 managers completing their Level 3 Cert in Business (Team Leadership) on our Pop Up Leadership programme.

As Factory Manager, Sione Vahalaki puts it:

“Seeing staff morale boosted and the team grow in confidence and spirit had been the greatest reward.”


At-a-glance results

  • 80% of participants feel more confident in their problem-solving ability
  • 90% read and understand more workplace material, and 70% speak up more at meetings
  • From paper-based forms to digital versions, staff are now confident to engage with technology daily


Solo’s learning culture

Solo’s vision for creating a learning culture has never faltered. Throughout changes in alert levels and lockdowns, they flipped learning online and supported their staff do so. The champion employer’s commitment to the growth of its people doesn’t end there. It is always looking for further learning opportunities to enable staff to take the next step. Upskills is proud to support this organisation to fly high in its learning and development journey.

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