
Customised Training

If you need a customised training programme designed and delivered, talk to us about scope and price. Because sometimes the training solution you need for your organisation doesn’t exist yet.

A tailored wellbeing learning solution?  Customer service?  Digital skills?

Working backwards from the changes you want to create, we design the learning experience around them, ensuring it’s scalable and sustainable.  We can also help give your programme the visibility inside and outside your organisation that it needs to succeed.

Best for

Your people


To be defined


Talk to us about scope and price

NZQA qualification





Client cohort


Here are some of the customised training solutions we’ve implemented for clients.

Induction overhaul

Issue: When one of our clients realised that their induction and onboarding documents weren’t as engaging or interesting as they could be, they recognised that it posed a health and safety concern.  If people weren’t reading and understanding the material, how could they be confident that key health and safety information was being implemented? What you don’t know can hurt you, so communicating key safety messages is a vital component of induction.

Training solution: We redesigned their slides with accessible language. Then built-in several concept-check components to foster and build comprehension. We then made recommendations from a learner point of view about visually interesting information and the amount of content on slides.

Staff engagement survey pre-sessions

Issue: Another of our clients was not confident that its engagement survey was being properly understood.  How can you rely on engagement survey data if your staff aren’t confident to deal with reverse meaning questions, questionnaire scales, and high-level vocabulary?

Training solution: Before staff completed the survey, we ran a pre-session to tackle the vocabulary and survey understanding issues. It also unpacked the ‘why’ around engagement surveys more broadly. Engagement survey completion was higher, and our client was more confident staff understood the meaning and purpose of the activity. We left the resource and session notes with the client so they can be run with an internal facilitator for the coming years. Thereby offering a sustainable and scalable solution.

Wellbeing programme for Inghams

Issue: Ingham’s wanted to create a customised Wellbeing programme for their operator staff that reflected their organisational values and direction.

Training solution:  We worked backwards from specific learning outcomes to create a training solution that would deliver success. We engaged with key stakeholders at all levels of the business to co-construct the programme design. It included goals around interpersonal communication, empathy and emotional intelligence as well as a basic understanding of the brain and behaviour. The results have changed the lives of participants, their families and the organisation for the better. As one participant says, “My kids say to me: Mum, you’re heaps nicer now”. Another participant said, “This course has been a taonga for me; absolutely life-changing.”

Talk to our team for more details

Talk to our Director, Holly Patterson about customised training for your organisation 021 156 3242.
