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Pop-up Leadership course

Leadership Courses

Upskill your emerging leaders! We offer leadership courses to equip your people leaders with the tools to succeed.

Course for emerging leaders at Apatu Farms

Short Courses

A range of short courses designed to help your people quickly improve their skills or broaden their understanding.

Upskills Workplace literacy and numeracy course

Workplace Literacy and Numeracy

Improve the reading, writing, speaking, listening, numeracy and problem-solving skills needed to do a job effectively.

Facilitation and training

Facilitation and Training Courses

Our popular facilitation and training courses help create a learning culture within your organisation.

Upskill Your Pacific Workforce with our short courses

Māori and Pasifika Initiatives

Upskills' Māori and Pasifika Initiatives offer learning for operational workforces delivered through a cultural lens.

Customised training

Customised Training

If the training solution your organisation needs doesn’t exist yet – Upskills can custom design training for you.

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