BlogLatest A second chance at learning grows future leaders Ngatapuna Kamo got a second chance at learning when an Upskills literacy & numeracy course…Jacki7 June 2023
BlogLatestResources NZ Sign Language At Work Access our FREE Learning bite to learn how to keep your whanau and community safe…Jacki26 May 2023
BlogLatestResources Getting ‘money fit’ Money Management advice from our friends at Debtfix. Four exercises to help you get on…Jacki17 May 2023
BlogBusinessCommunicationLatest Sustainability initiative goes global for Prysmian A sustainability initiative by a group of Literacy & Numeracy learners at Prysmian in West…Sarah Balfour11 May 2023
BlogBusinessCommunicationLatest Why Digital Skills Alone Are Not Enough Our top five learnings about successful in-work initiatives which raise digital skills, and change workplaces…Sarah Balfour2 May 2023