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Government funding for workplace literacy & numeracy training

Up to one million working age New Zealanders don’t have the necessary workplace literacy or numeracy skills necessary to fully participate in everyday life and work.

As a result, we have an issue that clearly needs addressing in our workplaces. But where is the best place to start?

Actually, there is a clear and cost-effective training solution—our Government provides funding for workplace numeracy and literacy, keeping your investment in this kind of training at a minimum.

Who is eligible for the workplace literacy & numeracy training?

The Government has a clear strategic focus on raising our standard of literacy and numeracy across the country because a capable workforce is a productive and safe workforce. As a result, funding is available to a broad criteria of businesses for workplace training. Essentially, here are the boxes you need to tick:

  • Be a proper organisation (see here for definition)
  • Make literacy or numeracy courses available to over 20 people (either by yourself, or together with other employers)
  • Have the right system in place for measuring each learner’s initial level, and ongoing progress

When it comes to which of your staff are eligible for funded workplace training, here’s the criteria:

  • Low levels of literacy/numeracy (defined by NCEA credits, or this assessment tool)
  • In the paid workplace
  • Not a student anywhere else (see here for definition)
  • A permanent New Zealand resident

What is workplace literacy and numeracy?

It’s so much more than reading and numbers.

Workplace training that focuses on workplace literacy and numeracy covers everything related to reading, writing, speaking, listening, numeracy and problem solving; all things that an employee needs to do their job effectively. Links exist clearly between increased literacy levels and productivity. Staff who have been through the right literacy and numeracy programmes are more assertive, show more involvement in health and safety, greater engagement in quality processes and issues, and are better equipped to deal with the daily problems that occur at work.

Ultimately, workplace literacy and numeracy is the toolkit your people need to be the best, and help your business to thrive.

Let your people be amazing        

Core literacy and numeracy skills are something that all New Zealanders are entitled to and your business can benefit in the process.

What better way to show your team they are valued members of staff than providing them with a chance to upskill? Imagine the difference in an employee’s life when they no longer feel nervous  about speaking out at work; when they can work out basic on job calculations without having to get a supervisor’s help. Having the ability to think critically and apply these basic skills goes far beyond the workplace—it reaches into a learner’s home life too.

We can help

Here at Upskills, we take the hassle out of funding.

If you think that you may be eligible for funding, and you’re keen to look into it further, get in touch. We’ll manage the entire funding application process, and own the project from start to finish. No stress at your end, just free workplace training and happy staff.

If you’re a little unsure about your eligibility, or workplace training in general, we’d love to talk. Upskills’ flagship free service—the Communications Analysis—can help provide you with insight into your organisation’s current standing, and where government funding could be used to benefit your staff, as well as your core business.

We’re improving lives and improving businesses. Join us, and make the most of the Government’s funding for workplace training around workplace literacy and numeracy. Your people, and your bottom line, will thank you for it.